While it's awesome to see my mum again and more of Brasil I'm kind of sad that I'm missing out on training and keep thinking of all the things I could be working on improving and learning before I leave.
The last week back in Rio will be HECTIC because I'm going to be trying to train as much as possible, while playing tourist guide and doing all my favourite "Brasilian" things (mainly eating and beach time) before I leave.
Anyways Foz do Iguaçu is truly amazing and worth seeing. I heard before people saying the Argentinian side is better but to do both sides if you have time. After having done both I have to say that BOTH sides are great! I might be biased but I think I like the Brasilian side just a little bit more. You can see a great panorama view of the falls as well as get up and close like on the Argentinian side. This afternoon we got a 10+hr bus ride to Bonito to look forward to, then more tours in fresh water rivers, lakes etc then the Pantanal. I'll do another post with pics and stuff once I have the time.
São Sebastian
Last Wednesday it was a holiday (for Saint Sebastian the patron saint of Rio de Janeiro... according to wiki). There's always a holiday for something and half the people can't even remember what they're for there are so many. There was an open mat session at the gym at 10:30am and after it seemed a perfect day to go to the beach, which is exactly what we did. Nothing better than having a lazy day at the beach. Sitting out in the sun and when you feel like it taking a swim in the water to cool off.
Anyways here are some pics from that day:
A packed beach on a public holiday...
Praia do Pepê at the end of the day...
A nice pic of Scoobie...
A nice pic of Jeff...
Hope everyone is making a great start to 2010, I know I am and I hope the rest of the year goes just as well. I got a good feeling it will :)