Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Renovations and video...

Gordo Academy Renovations...
The academy has been under renovations for over a month now. I think since about late September or early October. Basically there used to be a little square garden (it was really just ugly dirt and grass) on the side of the building. So they tore down the wall and extended that part of the building, put in some new windows (cause the old ones were a bit low and got kicked out a few times apparently), paint job, new lights, sealed the old entrance and made a new one with a nice glass door, did the same for the door to the toilets and a few other things here and there.

It's almost finished now and the place is going to look pretty pimp when it is. I think they're still just waiting on some nice new mats from Germany or somewhere. Two things I think would make the place freakin' awesome: fans and an airconditioner!

It's been bloody hot lately! Probably an average of about 35º Celsius EASY every day. I was born and raised in the tropics, but damn it's a b*tch training in this heat! At least it doesn't get humid like it does back home :) but still even just doing stretches before a warm up and I'd already be starting to drip sweat. My kimono comes out drenched after rolling.

The good thing is that your clothes dry really fast here, so there's no problem of having a damp kimono or worrying about rotating them. They do come out crispy though, almost like cardboard after a while in the sun.

The inside of the academy. Look at all that mat space we have now!

Mat space view from the back.

Technique videos...
Ok as promised here are some videos of techniques Dennis has showed me in my privates.

The first is a basic side control escape to regain guard. One problem I had was keeping my feet in contact with the ground so I have traction when trying to shrimp out and turn my hips over.

Next is side control escape to the wrestler sit out. This is if you can get to your knees then the guy grabs an over/under on you. Throwing that left arm back while you look up REALLY helps, I also find it puts some pressure on your shoulder if you're holding the person tight.

Half guard sweep with arm control. This type of sweep has been working for me pretty good, although I've been doing it from when the guy has a pummel/underhook on you. In that case you just grab their belt and TUCK your elbow down and in tight to trap their arm.

Hope you enjoyed those and maybe later I'll see if Dennis would like to record some more techniques. There were a couple drills you can do by yourself which help with the side control escapes that Dennis showed me that perhaps I could post up later.


  1. Nice vids, i would beinterested to hear about the solo drills

  2. Awesome greg, i like the halfguard sweep. Ive been working that stuff alot since Ive been back.

  3. yeah man same... especially the variation when they get the pummel then you sweep, it's worked a few times for me in rolling... a bit sloppy still but tightening it up slowly... i'll see if we can record a few more techniques and stuff tmw

    there's another comp on this saturday and most the boys are going in it so should be fun.. how's things back in detroit?

  4. ngaaAAA don't be a gammon c*nt brus!
