Saturday, November 28, 2009

Open Mat Saturdays...

Open mats on Saturday mornings at Gordo's start from around 10:30am - 12:30ish. They're generally more laid back than the weekday classes as it's just turn up and have a roll; and you can do as much or as little as you like.

Usually most the people that can't go to regular classes on weekdays go to the open mat sessions on Saturdays. Sometimes there would be only a few people there but this Saturday it was pretty packed. We had a dozen or more black belts and your regular mix of browns, purples, blues and whites. There were also some of the MMA guys there that came to do some padwork with Eduardo, as they have some fights coming up soon.

Even if you're feeling down or lazy and you don't want to train; when you rock up with that many people having a good roll or hitting the pads it makes for a pretty good atmosphere motivation wise and makes you want to get a sweat on.

Here's a couple more group photos of with everyone towards the end of training. I'm not even going to try list everyone (partly because I still don't know everyone's proper names lol).

Dennis and Mamazinho having a roll...

Pitty and Diego having a chat...

Big mat space

Everyone taking a breather in between rounds...

The B&W shots...

Zoro and Leozinho doing there thing watching people.. making sure they don't kick each other in the head while rolling (put your hand up if it's happened to you *hand up*)

Dennis on his 50th roll...

Everyone at Gordo Jiu Jitsu taking a small breather before doing more rounds of rolling.

A look at everyone rolling and some of the Vale Tudo guys practising their striking.

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