So it kind of feels like I'm starting all over again. Except maybe with the training. At least I'll get back to some hard sparring and cardio with kickboxing here. But the level of jiu jitsu won't be the same and it will different not getting my ass handed to me every session. Also got to find a job because I'm running low on funds AND so I can start saving up to get myself back to Rio de Janeiro, hopefully for longer the next time round.
I went by my old gym on Tuesday and it was good seeing my old training buddies. But I got there a bit too late to join in any training so just did a bit of my own thing and helped out with the MMA class that was also going on at the same time.
Also checked out a "new" BJJ Peter de Been affiliate club that recently started up here. I say "new" because they're some old guys I used to train grappling with last year, just that now they're trying to make the club more official by getting affiliated with an academy and organising local competitions etc. They also organise to fly down to other cities to compete in big competitions over there, which is great news to hear because 6 months ago the grappling scene in Darwin was REALLY quiet.
I had my first real day back to kickboxing training on Wednesday and I have to say doing pads is a bitch. My cardio is way sh*t now and I started feeling puffed in the 1st round. Rounds 2 and 3 really took it out me and round 4, I didn't have much left at all.
Also did some boxing and kickboxing sparring after I'd recovered from the pad work. Boxing was fine since I did some classes at Gordo's to keep it at a decent level, but timing on my kicks and combos for kickboxing were out the window. It's going to be a hard task to climb back up to the level of fitness I was at before I left for Brasil but it'll be a journey I'm look forward to going through after not having so for so long.
There's a fight show coming up on April 1st, which is organised by our gym, but with only 4 weeks to train up for it I decided not to bother and instead focus energies on helping the other guys that will be fighting. The show will mainly be kickboxing/muay thai but some of the guys are going to try out MMA so I'm going to try help everyone as much as I can in between finding a job.
It's been raining a bit the past couple days. But since last night it's been almost non-stop. Rainy weather sucks anywhere in the world. I didn't know what pictures to show of Darwin so I thought I'd show some of these pictures taken at the Nightcliff Jetty a couple years ago.
They were taken the day after a cyclone passed through the town and we were getting some pretty high tides and big waves smashing on the rocks. I thought it was pretty cool watch. So I thought these would be appropriate since it's been raining alot and we probably have some waves, though not as big as those in the pics.

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