It's been a pretty busy last couple weeks for me. Just got back into Rio on Monday night, before that was in the north Pantanal near Cuiaba for a few days. To be honest I found it a bit boring there because it was mainly a birdwatching trip for my mum and her husband. But we did see a sh*tload of wildlife which was cool.
Flying back into Rio at night was also cool, as we landed at Santos Dumont (the domestic airport) so the plane flew over Niteroi and Zona Norte and got a really nice view of the city at night when it's all lit up. It looks beautiful from above... even the dodgy areas.
Flying over Rio on the way to Foz do Iguacu; in the pic Zona Sul (Ipanema on bottom and Copacabana on the right)
Barra da Tijuca
Getting back into training was a bitch and I felt light headed after 2 rolls and my timing was wayyy off in jiu jitsu and boxing. But now feeling a bit better after a few sessions and really trying to squeeze the most out of them and ask more questions. It's like I'm cramming for an exam or something.
It's been hard to catch as many training sessions as I'd like. Ideally I'd be doing 3 a day till I leave which is next Tues. But gotta spend time with the folks. It's good to have my mum here though because.... mum's cooking is always best lol!
There's a whole bunch of new guys in the Connection Rio house and it was a bit weird going over and seeing a whole "new" crew and only a few guys left from the "old" crew. I hope they enjoy their stay though and get as much out of it all as I have.
I leave this coming Tuesday night but not after a few more training sessions crammed in between Carnival block parties and playing tourist guide to my mum and her husband.
Boa Carnival everyone!!
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