Sunday, October 4, 2009

Training times...

I've found pretty much all classes are +/- 15mins or more (Brasilian time) no matter where you go.

Manhã - Morning
Noite - Night
Dia - Day
Semana - Week
Mês - Month

Segunda - Monday
Terça - Tuesday
Quarto - Wednesday
Quinta - Thursday
Sexta - Friday
Sabado - Saturday
Domingo - Sunday

Fight Zone...
MMA/No-Gi on Mondays, Weds and Fridays but can vary. Usually Chico takes them and I think if he's not there then Leke takes the class but with kimono. I was really surprised with how many black belts could be in some classes, I've counted up to 6 or 7. Then you got about 5 browns and purples, handful of blues and sometimes it was just me the only white belt.

There's an open mat on Saturday from about 11am (I think), but I'm not sure if that's for everyone or just invites. Open mats are pretty good if you just want to roll and roll. But I'm sure if you just wanted to practice some techniques you would be able to find someone to pull aside and help you with a few things in between rounds.

Open mats are also generally pretty big because all the people that are too busy studying or working during the week get their jiu jisu time in on the weekend.

One week of training costs R$70 and one month is R$170. So obviously a month would be much more practical (if you're able to stay for a month) because you can attend as many jiu jitsu classes a day as you want. Also I believe that if you pay for a few months in advance then you'll get a discount on the price per month.

Gordo Jiu Jitsu...

Muay Thai classes are just on Tues and Thurs now and MMA classes vary. Sometimes there will be enough people for MMA there sometimes not. Like today it was just myself, another guy and Rafael dos Anjos (which I didn't mind at all) and I got a little roll with Rafael, he was being nice and giving me ALOT of space and still beating my ass. Also some days it's more rolling no-gi and other they work in stand up stuff with takedowns etc.

Only been to one muay thai class and a couple boxing classes. Boxing's a good workout and the ones I've been to run through a lot of technique. Muay Thai starts with a good warm up using hand weights then some techniques and drills and maybe ends with sparring.

Saturdays there's an open mat session from "10am" to 12pm-ish. People don't usually turn up till about 10:30am and if you show up 11am that's still pretty on time. They also have some guys boxing sparring upstairs around the same times.

One month of training costs R$180 but if you pay for 3 or more in advance it's R$150 a month.


  1. Hey Kof, codyweet02 from sherdog here.

    Love the blog! Who runs the boxing classes at Gordos? Is it an actual boxing coach?

    Are the boxing classes more cardio boxing or real boxing training? I.E. they show footwork, hold mits for combinatins, run offense and defense on the mits, etc?

    A lot of MMA school seem to run more cardio boxing classes now I think becuase there is more money in that but I am more interested in real boxing training.

    Thanks man!

  2. hey man thanks.... a guy called Cesario runs the boxing class... he's the one that started calling me 'Pacquiao' and now pretty much everyone calls me that.. not sure on his background but i'm pretty sure he's an actual boxing coach

    they're real boxing but i think alot of the guys in there are pretty novice so he works alot of the footwork, combo/techniques and offense/defense partner drills... haven't done mits there yet

    the muay thai was kind of same but the guys are pretty decent and spar hard.. i've heard of a couple of proper boxing schools, one is in a favela in catagalo near copacabana and i was told that alot of the jiu jitsu guys go there to train so will definitelly ahve to check that out

  3. Hey man, thanks for the post! I post on Sherdog (Fred in Houston) and as you've seen, I'll be going to FightZone in a few weeks so the schedule and weekly cost come in handy! Do they accept CC payments? If so, that would rock since I'd like to get a few gis as well.

    If so, do you have any recommendations in the area nearby that I can get reais (either via ATM or cash exchange)?

    Good blog. I'll keep reading and living vicariously through you!

  4. interesting the prices at one school here in Rocinha cost only $35 reais a month to train and there are 3 black belt professores..
